Professional, Poet, Photographer

Professional, Poet, Photographer

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Press for

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Order of Life: Faith, Family, Friends

Ladies and Gents,

It's that time of year again when people forget that it's business first nothing personal. So just in case you haven't read my resume. I get paid to do the things I do and I volunteer my time with those I seek and that I owe not the other way around. To many have wasted my valuable time and life is short, live like there is no tomorrow.

Fashion Shows 40+

The business of entertainment for some is a hustle, for myself it's been a process of trails in error. When you start it's exciting to see a event you put together succeed. We all have needs to pay bills so we have to find a way to continue this dream. I've supported artist in their quest to get signed without being paid I was related to few people who traveled the world on tour. There are things I haven't done, but very few and now it's time to move on. In my own career I've sat in studios with major artist on both a production and creation of new music. My passion I have for the sounds and sights of new places and things to create drives me to move forward. I've worked with models from California to England and even seen a few behind the scene projects of people drive to do one thing winning it all.

I have seen failures, set backs, dealt with sharks, had valuable equipment stolen/break down and started things that only I could finish. Without the time or the resources to make it all happen as fast as I wanted it. Flashing lights are like a magic trick things don't always go as smoothly as it may have looked, but we put our hearts into it.

Spoken Word

I'm still not where I want to be, but I have had fun on my journey and welcome each fan/friend who has joined me along the way. I appreciate you taken the time to read this short story to a long trip on the path to success.

Benitez Rosario Matias
BRM Photo

Monday, July 27, 2009

Rock the Space

Talk about it Tuesday with BRM

The World is a stage ...and there are so many bad actors/ess

I thought this past weekend was tough, I'll admit on many stages I've danced, I recited poetry, and once upon a time even sang. When it comes to writing I am not a "English" Major, my weakness is my strength with "Spoken Word" it reflects how I think in how many pieces come together. Take for example my poetry; where my idea goal is "Poetry = Passion" not always my own, but the ability to tell a story everyone can related to emotionally ie Lust, Love, Anger, Confusion, Seduction, Politics, or merely story telling. Women I know often come to me for advice, because I'm the only straight male who hasn't tried to stick my tongue down their for some of you nasty minded people that might have another meaning. I'm often admired for my ability to Speak the truth, no matter if someone is ready for it or not, I don't bite my tongue often. If I see it, hear it, or experience it you are bound to read or hear the story one way or another.

Now some actions or reactions of my own I may take more personal then others from first hand experience or someone close to me going threw it, but I keep out names to protect the innocent. In other words the "Fictious"; girl or guy in the story isn't always who you think it might attention to the story ignore the man behind the curtain. Well in the Land of Oz no one can click their Heels and I magically appear so the story goes on... The World is a stage; places I've been don't yet span the globe, but I'm fortunate to be heard in places I've never even heard of before... One thing we all have in common are our "Passion's" we all go threw "Falling in Love"; "Break Up and Makeup"; "Falling out of Love" and though I can produce a new poem weekly some of those emotions many have long passed. I've just been reminded by someone or some thing in my life or those around me of my own feelings.

I know that it doesn't matter if the person says their "Happily Married, in a Serious Relationship, or Engaged" we all deal with certain emotions in our own time. A friend disclosed to me something I call a "Red Flag" but it was insightful so I'll share it. After several father figures when it came to relationships they were still looking for a "man" who reminded them of their "father". In the same respects I often try to avoid anyone who reminds me of people in my past. Except when I apply this idea to a male point of few; do "I" or other seek out someone who is "parental figure" when we have not discovered myself? Yes, I already know a few female friends who relationship reflected that of their parents either by their choosen mates "habits" or very "nature". Having witnessed and couseled so many "Abused" individuals "mentally" more then "physically". Is this why so many of us make the same mistakes as are mother's/father's whicn in most cases over 60% ended in divorce. Our we trying to repeat the past and make things "right/work"? I understood long time ago I Love my Mom, I just couldn't date a women who reminded me of her "habits"; despite her being the most caring and unselfish person I know. My father is estranged as in we don't hang out or speak often. So I learned how to be a man from mentors and doing the opposite of what I've seen poor men, morally bankrupt do. The World is a Stage who are you trying to "Act" like do you know who?

Me, Myself and I